
Had a great time showing at Handmade Oxford in June ’24. The Stand was the best display I’ve managed so far (with lots of help from friends [thank you 🙏]). FlatMannies displayed like this were really eye-catching… A pleasure to sell a ‘Stan’ to local sculpture artist Dawn Conn too… to help her style the clothing on her joyful bronze figurines.

Milestones reached recently this Spring ’24 …. Have recruited the services of a local art transport company so these fragile pieces can be transported safely anywhere across the UK from Cornwall now… Plus the ‘experimentation’ I’ve mentioned below has resulted in a rethinking of working scale and format… It’s so great, moving forward, being able to create stitched-shadow-art pieces with a wider range of design options….

Am running a free-machine embroidery course at MAKE Southwest, Bovey Tracey all day on Friday July5th ’24. It’s guaranteed to be a fun day given the nature of this wonderful technique. Please visit MAKE Southwest’s website for more information:-

Will be showing again soon at Handmade Oxford (Waterperry Gardens 21st-23rd June 2024) … Can’t wait to continue sharing thoughts and ideas for textile projects like these shown here at The Stitch Festival last month :- Seamless Repeat Pattern & Block Printing; Carbon Zero Clothes Making; Flat-pack Dressforms; Working Quarter Scale and Suspended Embroideries …. We had a great time in London…. Thank you to all of you requesting I start a mailing list. Looking forward to meeting more interested, interesting and wonderful people upcountry again soon….

Really looking forward to showing treadled textiles in London again… Come and see some carbon-zero stitches at The Stitch Festival on Stand J106. Hope to see you there 🪡….

Hosted a fun stitching workshop at Riverside-Mill, Bovey Tracey (November ’23) with lovely people who came to up-grade their sewing skills …. and did … 🧵🪡

A brilliant time had at The Stitch Festival in London last month. Met so many lovely people where we discussed all sorts to do with stitching and art…. Hadn’t realised so many people hadn’t seen treadle sewing before which meant the demonstrations were even more fun than anticipated. Thank you to Immediate Live for hosting this great show and for including this image in their Photo Gallery this year too. Photograph by Carmen Valino 23-03-23.
Will be festivalling in London soon with my stitched shadow art and treadle machine. Do visit this fun show at The Business Design Centre, Islington…
Have started the new year with a new logo for my art textiles which I plan to experiment more with this year.

Hosted a Drawing for Pattern Workshop at MAKE Southwest last week (28/10/2022). These images are by Penny Simpson, a fellow MAKE member (penny_simpson_ceramics [Instagram]) who came along and created some lovely work. The series of these four images perfectly describe our ‘process’ that day… It was great for me to hear how much participants had enjoyed themselves trying out a new technique that doesn’t require using a computer at all.

Dee included in the interior design of the brand new Seasalt store in beautiful Bourton-on-the-Water, Cotswolds… October 2022.
Two of my treadle-stitched shadow embroideries have been accepted into the Summer Show 2022 at MAKE Southwest which is the terrific news this week. (Wb.03-07-22)
Early November 2021 sees Mannies on display and available with lots of other beautiful things, at MAKE Southwest (formally The Devon Guild of Craftsmen) in Bovey Tracey. Photo credit: makesouthwestcraft on Instagram.
July 2021… Dee’s stylishly travelling the globe right now which is SO SEW fabulous… (and more than most of us can do right now …)
Fabulous news that Dee has been reordered and used again by the amazing Hanna Fiedler for her next collection. It’s ace to see how ready these new mannies are to be dressed in gorgeous designs. The label reads: “Meet your model a 1/4 scale mannequin made from recycled cardboard which will present you some of our new designs”… As you can see this is one of Hanna’s Instagram pics… (which we’re very happy to say, got lots of likes”).
As of December 2020 FlatMannies are available at The Old Weighbridge Gallery in Cricklade, Wiltshire where lovely owner Christina Dreher is happy to explain all options regarding how they can be used.

Dee used by the London based fashion brand Hanna Fiedler to accompany the marketing of their new collection shown at the first digital, non-gender London Fashion Week, June 2020.

FlatMannie-Sydney&Annie displaying lavender bags and hand block-printed fabric swatches in Sarah B’s Member-Showcase at the Devon Guild of Craftsmen, Bovey Tracey, Spring 2020. (The exhibition had to close after two weeks due to Covid 19.)

FlatMannie Annie displays a zero-carbon sleeveless dress with contrast embroidered hem in the spring exhibition.

FlatMannie (Sydney) used for display by Meng Zhang on the MA Design Programme at Central Saint Martin’s, London, in June 2017.

FlatMannie™ showed at Ally Pally’s Knitting and Stitching Show in October 2017 and won plaudits by customers and visitors…

Some comments people were heard to say !:-

…”There’s something really nice about it”…

“So good for display”

“Great idea…. Really Really Good”

“These are just lovely objects in themselves”

“What a good idea for storage”

“It is a brilliant product”

Gill Homes… Head of Technical at Amanda Wakeley, London.